Chamber music is defined as works for between 1 and 12 players, with or without vocal parts, and with or without electronics.
The work must have been composed by an Australian citizen or by a composer who has permanent residence in Australia.
The work must have been made available to the public for the first time (i.e. by live or digital performance, video/audio broadcast, or commercial release) within the year prior to the Award (2024).
A work may only be submitted in a single Work of the Year category. If a work is eligible for multiple categories, the nominee may select which category to submit under.
To nominate you need to be either a member of APRA AMCOS or the Australian Music Centre (AMC). At this stage, you just need to provide essential information about your nominee (category, work, name of nominee etc.) and write a short paragraph on why you're nominating this person, organisation, or work. We do not collect support materials at this stage, but we do ask for a contact email for the nominee if you know it.
Once nominations close, we will contact all eligible nominees for support materials to add to their nomination. Depending on the category, these materials might include a score, recording, documentation of projects nominated, and/or documentation of consultation with relevant communities if Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) is used in the nominated work or activities.
Please note that you cannot self-nominate in any category. This includes organisations/people you work for, represent, or who work for you. You can only nominate once per category, but you can nominate in more than one category.
For more information, see the Rules and Guidelines or our FAQs page.